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Business Acquisition

Looking to expand or increase your business portfolio with an acquisition? Our Corporate Finance team are here to support you right from the initial enquiry, to finding the right business for you, all the way through to completion.

Maximise the potential of the transaction

Whether you’re a small to medium sized enterprise, large multinational company or a private
equity buyer, we tailor our services to your needs for the project in hand.

Our expert team will provide expert guidance on valuation, help you manage your risk and understand and achieve your growth ambitions. Every transaction is different and we focus on achieving your desired outcomes.

We have partnered with Dealsuite to bring you easy and efficient access to acquisition opportunities. More information can be found here.

Get Advice and Guidance On:

Approaching the target

With existing contacts in the industry and access to data sets in the UK and overseas, we conduct thorough research and make the introductions to get the initial conversations started.

Negotiating Heads of Terms

As experts in negotiations, we set out the price, the purpose and the legal terms for the purchase.

Financial Due Diligence

As qualified accountants, we can provide an in-depth analysis of the businesses financial health and asset position, helping you to mitigate against any risks. Every financial due diligence exercise is tailored to your needs and risk appetite.


You’ll want to know that your purchase will be a success and we can provide you with the cash flow projections to evidence it. Reviewing past and present data along with marketplace trends, we can provide you with an estimate of future financial performance. Our forecasts can also be used to assist with raising debt or equity.

Introductions to funders

Working on a breadth of transactions each and every year with positive outcomes ensures we have an enviable collection of debt and equity funders that we can approach to discuss your deal.

Detailed negotiations

As skilled negotiators, we’re experienced in smoothing out the tricky conversations, ensuring each party is clear on the transaction details and you’re happy with the end result.

Completing the deal

Getting the deal over the line is often the hardest part. Working with your lawyers, we advise on the financial aspects of the contract (completion accounts, locked box accounts, financial disclosures and tax) and also play a significant role in the project management of a transaction, ensuring timetables are met.

“This was our first time working with Ensors and we were impressed with their speed and flexibility. Their full scope Financial Due Diligence report provided us with the insights we needed for the deal, and all within the tight timescales required. We would be pleased to work with Ensors again in the future.”

Mark Keegan – IPE Ventures

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