Valuing assets on the division of a marital estate

When a husband and wife were dividing their marital estate, Ensors were engaged as a single joint expert to provide a valuation of the mutual business and property interests for court purposes.
To give a balanced view, Ensors work involved calculating the fair value of the net assets of two companies; one was an online trader of imported goods and the other was a property investment company.
We also assessed the liquidity in the business to give a view on the funds which could be extracted to facilitate a settlement and looked at how the parties might best be able to secure extra funds. We calculated the future maintainable earnings that each company could produce and assessed the position if each of the companies were to be voluntarily liquidated.
Finally, Ensors also looked at the potential tax implications to include: capital gains on notional sale, tax which would be charged on salary/dividend extraction going forward.
As a firm, Ensors are very experienced in Court work and our report was provided to the court in expert format.